Calculating fractions – a clear guide with lots of online exercises

Understanding fractions

Having trouble calculating fractions? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you! We’ll show you a clear and simple way to calculate fractions. Whether you’re just starting to get to grips with fractions or want to understand more advanced concepts, our step-by-step guide will help you see your way through.
Whether you’re a student doing your homework or just want to improve your math skills, this clear and concise guide will enable you to calculate fractions with ease. Ready to take your math skills to the next level? Then read on and learn how to calculate fractions quickly and easily!
Calculating fractions –
Getting started with fractions

Calculating fractions and determining fractions
We start with fractions. You can find lots of worksheets online for this. On this page you can:
- Recognize individual fractions
- color in many fractions
- or color fractions
- and also represent fractions
You can edit many worksheets online or download them as PDFs and edit them on your tablet computer with a pen or print them out and edit them in the traditional way.
The exercises on fractions are normally calculated in 5th grade or 6th grade.

How do you calculate a fraction?
You’ve probably eaten a slice of pizza or a slice of cake before. The slice of pizza was probably one of maybe 4 or 8 slices in total. So you have already gotten to know fractions of a whole.
A fraction is always a part of a whole. E.g. one half = 1 piece of a total of 2. One third = 1 piece of three. Three quarters are three pieces of a total of 4 etc.
How do you write a fraction?
Three quarters are 3 out of 4. It is written like this: \frac{3}{4}
The fraction bar shows the number of parts that are counted. This is why the expression on the fraction bar is called Numerator of the fraction!
Under the fraction bar are the total fractions that exist. This is why the expression under the fraction bar is called Denominator of the fraction!
How to calculate the fraction of a size

You divide the total by the number of parts you are dividing into, i.e. by the denominator. Then multiply the result by the number of parts you are looking at or have, i.e. the numerator.
Example – this is how you do the math:
Divide 24 (the whole) by 12 (the denominator of the fraction), the result is 2:
Now multiply the result by the numerator of the fraction: 2 times 3 equals 6!
Three twelfths of 24 are therefore 6!
Mnemonic: How to calculate fractions
When determining a fraction, you not only need to know how many parts you have – this is the numerator of the fraction – but also how many parts there are in total – this is the denominator of a fraction.

In the picture you can see how we calculate the proportion of 5 sevenths of 21.

In the picture you can see how to calculate three fifths of 15 kg.
Calculating fractions – Interactive exercises

Now we want to get started and start with interactive tasks!
These exercises are optimized for tablet and desktop PC, the tasks do not always work optimally on a smartphone.
Interactive exercises created with H5P, you can embed them into your own homepage, just click on <>embed.
Exercise 1 – Recognizing fractions
Drag the correct fraction to the respective picture! Tip: fractions can occur twice!
Exercise 2 – Recognizing fractions
Drag the correct fraction to the respective picture! Tip: fractions can occur twice!
Calculate fractions of quantities: Times
Enter the correct value in the field provided!
Calculate fractions of quantities: Currencies (€)
Enter the correct value in the field provided!
Calculate fractions of sizes: Lengths
Work out the correct fraction of the respective length and enter it in the space provided!
Calculate fractions of quantities: Weights
Work out the correct fraction of the respective weight and enter it in the space provided!
Memo games fractions – would you like to play?

To conclude this page, here are two memo games on the subject of recognizing fractions!
These exercises are optimized for tablet and desktop PC, the tasks do not always work optimally on a smartphone.
Memo game 1 – Fractions in the same color
Two fractions always belong together. In this first game, they are always the same fractions in the same form.
Memo game 2 – Matching fractions
This game is more difficult. Equal shares can be represented in different forms. Try it out!
Photos/images from fractions of